There is No Substitute for Speed.
If you're looking for a comprehensive approach to speed development, then we've got you covered.
Developing speed is a complex task, and far more complicated than simply running through ladders and cones. We'll take care of every aspect of your development, and make sure your path to development includes every component of what will make you a force to be reckoned with on the field.
Developing speed is a complex task, and far more complicated than simply running through ladders and cones. We'll take care of every aspect of your development, and make sure your path to development includes every component of what will make you a force to be reckoned with on the field.
BIOMECHANICAL INTEGRITYSpeed starts with the body's foundational function - eliminating physical restrictions leads to better, more efficient movement. This includes working on ankle mobility and stability, alignment of hips to knees to ankles, hip mobility and control, and more.
TECHNIQUEThe fundamentals of sprint form allow you to create repeatable, efficient, and explosive muscle memory, We'll look at foot placement, spine and shin tilt, stride length, arm action, and more, to make sure you're developing the motor program you need.
FORCE PRODUCTIONUltimately, the key to speed is force production. The more force your foot can put into the ground relative to your body weight, the more explosive each step will be. If you want to develop speed, you need force production, and we'll make sure you get it.
When we teach speed, we really break it down into three categories, allowing us to focus on the biomechanical considerations, technique, and force production in highly specific modalities to be sure you're getting the most of every minute.
ACCELERATIONDeveloping explosive acceleration, that lethal first step, is a crucial skill to any speed development program. And, the demands of acceleration are significantly different than that of top end speed. We'll always start our sessions with acceleration drills to get you to top speed quickly.
TOP END SPEEDCreating stride length and ground forces can be a tricky balance for a developing athlete to strike. We'll make that easy by focusing on tangible coaching points and breaking down running mechanics into the key thoughts that will allow an athlete to expand their top end speed.
AGILITYMost sports put a higher premium on agility than anything - the ability to move fluidly and dynamically under changing circumstances is a key to nearly any athlete. And, we'll make sure the athlete knows how to redirect momentum and decelerate when necessary.